Blissful Self-CareThis journey was not meant to be taken without setting your bags down and stopping to rest for a while.Oct 20, 20232Oct 20, 20232
Unprecedented“Don’t sabotage your identity trying to name it. Let it be undefined, permeable, mixed, peculiar, unapologetically authentic. Be in peace…May 22, 20231May 22, 20231
Grief.“I hope this grief stays with me because it’s all the unexpressed love that I didn’t get to tell her” ~ Andrew Garfield.May 20, 2023May 20, 2023
Live for the Aesthetics“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you are…Jul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022
Document Your LifeSometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget that we don’t always have to be busy; we don’t always need to be checking our email…Mar 25, 2021Mar 25, 2021
PerspectiveLife can seem awful and unfixable until the universe shifts a little and the observation point is altered, and then suddenly, everything…Dec 16, 2020Dec 16, 2020
Thank You, AnxietyThere are articles that show you how to deal with anxiety and other mental illnesses. These will range from advice on how to ground…Nov 30, 2020Nov 30, 2020
Ready or NotYou’ve probably heard of an epiphany. A point in your life where something becomes clear to you in a whole new light and you grasp the…Oct 27, 2020Oct 27, 2020
Intensity.“Your brain must be a very intense place.” The first time I read these words, I couldn’t help but relate to them so much. I have thoughts…Oct 20, 2020Oct 20, 2020
The Story of Success.Disclaimer: The 10,000 hour rule has been debunked by studies, one of which you can read here.Oct 18, 20202Oct 18, 20202